Telegram is Scalable

Telegram is scalable because Telegram sites are static sites… that means that there's almost no CPU used to move the bytes from disk to the Internet and there's no database access to slow things down.

Telegram is hosted on the Amazon cloud, so we can always add more storage and bandwidth.

Static is the new Dynamic

By taking advantage of advanced JavaScript and other features of your browser, you'll experience super interactive web sites that feel like native applications, yet they were served by "static" HTML. Your users will see an awesome, magical web site (as long as your designers do magic), but you don't have to pay extra for custom servers.

Static content have become the new dynamic content. That's because browsers make a much better distributed computation network than concentrating all the computing in the datacenter.

Telegram will deliver your site super-fast no matter the load and the other services your site access (like Twitter, Google Calendar, etc.) will give your users an excellent experience.

Built by David Pollak

David Pollak founded Telegram. David also built Lift which powers Foursquare and David helped Twitter with scalability issues in 2008. David knows scalable and built Telegram to scale.