Post content the way you want

Telegram lets you make blog posts and generally add content to your site the way you want.

You can post content by sending email to a special Telegram email address. You can include images and complete formatting and Telegram will add the content as a blog post or as other content (an article, an event, or just a new page on your site).

You can post by saving HTML, Markdown, Pages, RTF, or Word documents to a Git repository. Telegram takes care of converting the document to HTML, applying formatting and templates, and publishing the site.

Use the tools you know

You use the tools you're already familiar with to create Telegram content and you always have your content files on your computer. No need to learn yet another web-based editor, no need to worry about the spell checker in a new tool, no need to remember yet another password for a site when you want to post content, and no need to worry about your content being locked up on someone else's servers.