Your files are yours, always

With Telegram you always have the files that make up your web site. This is a huge win.

Edit on the go

You can edit your site on the go without having to worry about an Internet connect, a web site reloading, getting logged out of a content management system because you went to lunch while drafting, remembering yet another password or any of the other frustrations with web-based content management systems.

You own your stuff, you control your stuff

Your files are yours. Your content is yours. Take it with you. Move it to another service without exporting or using APIs or other barriers to moving on. Even our legal stuff makes it clear that Telegram is like a laundry service or a car park… you always own your stuff, we just service it.

Based on open source

Telegram uses Hoisted to convert your files into your web site. You can do this yourself, too. You can set up a machine to host the resulting HTML files and all that stuff. Telegram just makes it a lot easier. So, if you ever decide to move on, you can do it and there are no proprietary systems to block you. There are no hidden magic pieces that only Telegram has. You can make your site work anywhere just like it works on Telegram's servers.